Human Design Training,

Certification & Mastery

Cohort 5 Now Enrolling

Students Enrolled

It is time to start a revolution &

Create a Blue Ocean in your industry

by leveraging Human Design

Setting the standard for what it means to be HD Informed

It's time to break the rules and Change the Game on client growth

You've positioned yourself as an expert but now what...

You've spent the time and put in the work to position yourself as an expert. You've got the certifications. The IP. The Proprietary Process but you are still struggling to get all of your clients the same incredible results.

the reality is...

We are all unique individuals designed to operate within the world in different ways...the one sized fits all approach to client success is antiquated...

You want to elevate your business & stand out but aren't sure how....

You've industry is crowded with experts and you need a way to differentiate yourself from all the other people out there doing what you've put in the time (10,000 hours), money and expertise but you are still grappling to grow consistently and with ease...

You want to maximize client success & you've tried to meet clients where they are...

You are brilliant at what you do. You've developed IP or a process specific to take clients through on repeat. Yet you can't seem to figure out why some clients are wildly successful and others only have mediocre success.

You want a way to better understand yourself & your clients but still something is missing...

You've tried the enneagram, DISC, Strengthsfinder, or any personality test under the sun but there is still a lack of depth and practical application. So you learned you're a ____________ but now what? You are looking for something where you can dig into the depths into who you are, how you make decisions, and your unique imprint on the world and have that depth of insight with your clients as well that goes beyond a personality test.

but i've discovered

The reality is we don't all operate the same way...

...human design is a powerful tool to better understand the lens with which your clients see the world so that you are able to better support them in catalytic growth along the way.

The game changer...

Let's tune up the definition in your business with human design.

Trust me, I've been there. After 17 years in business, I was exhausted from grappling with clients. I had done "all the things" the "expert" told me to do. I codified a proprietary process in my business, I showed up consistently online, I created the learning platform, workbooks and swipe files....

3rd line trial and error....saving you aggravation and frustration since 2021

And yet....I couldn't understand the correlation between why some clients had incredible, massive, game changing success and others just got MEH results.

Then in 2017 as luck would have it, I stumbled across human design. I began using it for myself and for my family and though my "logical self" felt resistance. But the deeper I dug the more sense making it became. I couldn't unsee human design.

In 2019, I began coaching my clients to their design and in 2020, I doubled down on leveraging Human Design in my own business. I began formal studies and devoured everything I could.

And it was like a miracle happened....clients who had been stuck, magically moved forward. Clients who had "blocks" - those blocks suddenly melted away...

Because we laid the foundation of building their business on WHO they are, how they are designed to operate, and their style for interacting with the world around them...

Not only did their world change but mine did too. I began leverage human design in my own business and had the most successful, easy and flowing launch of my career...when the odds were against me. Every launch expert I know is still astonished how I did it...

Now I want to share the gift of human design with you in your business.

just imagine

Now I want to share the magic, wonder, and awe of human design with your business.

Breaking the rules and discovering YOU in life and business.


It's time to change the Game

Stop guessing on how best too support clients and start knowing....

Human Design is a tool to better understand yourself, your clients and how you are designed to operate in the world. You can use it to understanding personality, decision making style, energy & body management, how best to process information, orientation toward the collective, community or individual and how best to interact with the world around.

If strengthsfinder and enneagram had a baby that's human design. It is built on 9 different modalities built into one system to catapult you, your business and your clients forward.


Transform your life, your business, and the results you can get for your clients by leveraging Human Design.

Gain New Perspective on Yourself

Human Design is going to give you massive insights (and affirm) what you know to be true about yourself. It will give you guardrails for how best to marketing yourself, support your clients, and catapult your business forward. It through unlearning and deconditioning where clarity comes.

Integrate Human Design Into Your Business

Human Design is a tool you can integrate into your existing expertise to better serve your clients, get results more efficiently for them and understand the pitfalls that might be holding them back due to condition and not-self themes.

Are you ready to blaze the trail, break the rules and unlock the path to your success?


Start a revolution in your industry by leveraging Human Design to create a blue ocean...

HD Wild - is a one year journey into human design, self-discovery and leveraging how to integrate human design into your business to better support your client's growth.

Year Long Human Design Mastery Program

Learn the depth & nuance Human Design

Bet back to the nature of who you are with a proven deconitioning process so that you can better support clients.

Leverage Human Design as a tool in your own business to better support clients


Coalesce Human Design in your Biz...

This is a year long journey into the depths human design. Learn the nuances of reading a human design chart, while coalescing it with your existing business expertise and become HD in the Wild Certified along the way.

Delve into You

Discovery more about who you are as a human, entrepreneur and your decision making style. Explore areas of unlearning and reconditioning you may be vulnerable too. Reconnection with your purpose, mission and impact.

Integrate HD Expertise...

Learn the emerging field of human design and coalesce it with your existing expertise to differentiate yourself or become a human design reader. Human design is an multi-faceted tool you can use to gain a better understanding of others.

This 1 Year HD Wild Certificate Program is for You...

Imagine a world where you can coach your clients to their individual strengths, shine awareness on their challenges and get them into congruence with themselves....

HD Wild is for you

if you desire to...

  • Integrate human design into your practice

  • Become a Human Design Reader

  • Delve deeper into who your are

  • Coach, strategist, service provider or mentor

  • Differentiate Yourself in the Market

  • Explore a better way to support your clients

  • Get a Certification in Human Design

  • Use human design in the wild aka real world

This is the HD wild Program

Only 25 Students...

I've limited the group to only 25 students in the certificate program cohort.

If you are someone who wants to learn human design, delve into who you are and give yourself an edge in business...HD Wild is for you.

You might just find yourself along the way...

The reality is in doing this work you can't help but delve into and discover more about yourself. I am here to guide you along the way, to hold space for those discoveries, to provide you with the well to dive deep into. Into the depths of your being. How deep you will go. only you can know.

This journey is one where you will step into who you were truly meant to be, (re)discover you, and become the person you've known you could be all along.

This work is part unlearning, part discovery, part evolution and part finding your way back home to you. This work will change the lens with which you see the world.

It will change your relationships. It will change your perspective. It will change your business, you positioning, and the results you can get for your will change...YOU

I firmly believe that if each one of us can embody and become who

we are meant to be the world will be a better place...

For you. For me. For our future generations.

And that expedition & evolution starts with us.

HD Wild Demystified

We are going into the depths of human design with this one year journey and certificate program.


Type Deep Dive

Discover the 5 types in the human design system - projector, manifestos, manifesting generator, generator and reflector. Learn the strategy, not-self, and nuances of each of the types over the course of 5 weeks.


Profiles & Lines in Depth

Over the course of 6 weeks, the 12 profiles and 6 lines will be discovered with the nuances of each one, the dichotomy of each of the profiles and pitfalls that may come up in the wild with each of these profiles.


Centers in Depth

There is much wisdom to be found inside of the centers. Defined, undefined, and open the role centers play in the human design chart is big. Over the course of 10 weeks we will dive into the depths of the centers.



Understanding how energy flows and the themes to that energy, inside the chart is a like a trail map for understanding yourself and your clients better.


Channels, Gates, & Channel Lines

The gates, channels and gate lines give nuance to the human design chart. It brings personality, understanding, & depth. It is also a place where you can find solace & better discover yourself & your clients. The subtleness of the expression of the gates is deep and takes 12 weeks.



Exploring the different decision making styles in human design is an art and a science. Over the course of 2 weeks, we will dive into the authority, how it shows up in the wild and the subtle confirmations to know if you (and your clients) are in alignment with their decision making style.


The 4 Variables

Dive into the world of color in human design. This gives life to our determination, environment, perspective, & motivation which makes up color and variable in Human Design. This is a deeper look at the nuance within the chart.


Relationship Dynamics

Connection charts and team dynamics are key to understanding the impact we have on others. Over the course of 4 weeks we will dive into everything you need to know in order to discern the impact of relationships including electromagnetic, teams, and penta.


Coaching By Design Course

Learn the best practices for coaching using human design. This is an in-depth look at the nuance of what it is like to coach by design with practical tips for how best to support clients with their own design. Learn to hold space with coaching presence & the nuance of coaching by design in a safe, trauma informed manner.


HD Evolve

You cannot fit your human design into your business. You must build your business around your Human Design and HD Evolve will support you in doing that. This comprehensive program supports you in peeling back layers of should's, break down your beliefs about how to run a business in this era while building a biz at the intersection of your design, desires & lifestyle


Somatics & Deconditioning

Exercises for you to learn & leverage aligned to the centers for yourself & with clients on how to move from the not-self into congruence with your human design chart. This teaches the basics of aligned through the centers & the deconditioning process.


Gate Strengths Library

Dive into the 64 gates in depth. Complete with a audio, text and somatic exercise for each of the 64 gates in human design. Designed to support you in gaining an in-depth understanding of your human design. Coming 2024


Business Library

A comprehensive business library that is both tactical and strategic. Providing you with the resources that you need in order to keep moving forward in your business with ease. Including Templates, swipe files, how-to's and more.


Weekly Support Calls

Each week there are Q &A Calls to connect & integrate your learning. Bi-weekly Technical Office Hours for when you say what the tech?. Monthly Mindset calls for when you get stuck


Voxer Access

Weekly Voxer access with Jamie to get support on your business, deconditioning, and with clients as you are learning human design and to help support you in pivoting to an HD Aligned business


Directory Listing

Upon Graduation a 1 Year listing on the HD Directory to support you in developing your HD Business and differentiating yourself in the online industry.

Including Access to the Following Suite of Courses, Programs & Offers:

The Human Design in Action Certificate Program

Start a revolution in your industry by leveraging Human Design

with your existing expertise to create a blue ocean.

What's included in HD Wild -

Human Design Training Program

Human Design Curriculum

Human Design Textbook

HD Evolve

Gate Living Library

Weekly Live Q & A Calls

Support Community

HD Somatics

Weekly Biz Support

HD Snapshot Private Podcast

HD Wild 1 Year Human Design Training Program

1 Payment of $8888

12 Payments of $834

18 Payments of $575

Now available in an 18 Payment Plan

Students Enrolled

Cohort 5 Now Enrolling

they said

Here's what a few of my amazing clients have experienced...

I wholeheartedly recommend Jamie’s programs.

Jamie’s ability to distill human design, marketing and sales into bite sized pieces so we call can understand is definitely her sweet spot.

The HD Your Biz program has helped me to own my strengths and my abilities. She will help you uncover what’s blocking you and help you to figure out the right path for yourself. That’s the key, she won’t tell you what path that is, you have to figure out that for yourself. Her content in every offering she has is NOT thin, there’s so much depth and detail. There’s so much to dive into!

Jamie’s teaching of human design is actually saving me a ton of money because it’s helping me see clearly that a lot of other courses and products aren’t meant for me. They don’t gel with my human design nor do they jibe with where I want to go with my business. If you show up and do the work, Jamie will show up for you too. You won’t go wrong and I know her programs and course offerings will change your life!

~ Julie Tren Deily

HD Wild is an amazing program. I wanted to dive deeper into my design and this program took that to a whole new level!

The combination of the HD wild program, and Jamie support as a business mentor has completely changed the foundation of how I not only look at myself, but how I look at my business. I don’t have to do life and business like everyone else. I can build around my energy not stuff myself into the confines of what “should” be done. It’s is so freeing!

I’ve learned so much about myself and how others function. Which has changed how I look at the world and the people in my life. Creating more patience, allowance and grace.

Jamie and the HD Wild program have helped me step out of my comfort zone let go of some of fears that have been holding me back and allowed me to take more action in my life and my business.

The value in Jamie’s programs is exponential! Not only in terms of content but guidance. And the learning is tailored for adult learners making it easier to fit learning into a busy schedule.

If you are interested in diving deeper into human design just for you, already have a business or are wanting to start a human design congruent business HD Wild is for you.

~ Carmen

Every week I come away from her calls and text her 'YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING TEACHER'

"I have worked with many coaches, teachers and mentors over the past twenty years I have been in business, and in my experience it is extremely rare to find a teacher who has inspired me as much as Jamie. She has such a passion for her work, a deep knowledge of all things Human Design and Business, genuine dedication to her students' understanding, provides a huge amount of personal support, while still role-modelling a good work-life balance. Every week I come away from her calls and text her 'YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING TEACHER' - I highly, highly recommend working with Jamie."

Nicola Bird 1/3 MG -

If you are wondering if it's worth investing your money in Jamie, in simple terms - it is.

As entrepreneur, business owner, 1/3 Projector & Life long learner I've done my fair share of courses, worked with a number of mentors, teachers, consultants and coaches with an (often unreasonably high)expectation of certain depth and content - and there is no one else I've seen or experienced who delivers what Jamie brings to her community (in my case HD Wild.)

The integrity of her values-driven business is clear, and I have consistently witnessed as well as experienced her commitment to her people and her own lived experience as an on-going process. She is never afraid to share her 'mistakes' or successes as she sees the value for others and is far more humble than she should be for her skill-set.

For no-nonsense business /Human Design angled support alone HD Wild, HD Evolve and HD Create are game changers - but if you are a true human designer who wants to deepen and integrate your own knowledge and use that awareness to decondition then i'd say go-for-it. ~ Hannah Carey - 1/ 3 Projector

Jamie’s teaching goes beyond the surface level of other Human Design practitioners. She provides the foundational knowledge plus the often-overlooked nuances that are deep within the HD system.

I was one of those people who knew their Human Design type, but I didn’t really know what to do with it. After a disappointing program launch, I discovered Jamie’s Ideal Client Workshop. What I learned changed everything. I realized that my unique way of attracting clients had been right in front of me all along. Determined to see what else I was missing, I joined the HD Wild program to build the life and business I truly wanted. Up until then, I was tired of lacking confidence, thinking something was wrong with me. I was exhausted from the tug of war between following my instincts and listening to what the 'experts' said would work.

Jamie’s teaching goes beyond the surface level of other Human Design practitioners. She provides the foundational knowledge plus the often-overlooked nuances that are deep within the HD system. The program also is built to support your deconditioning process, which is essential for truly integrating and embodying your Human Design.

Since joining HD Wild, I’ve discovered the optimal way I’m designed to navigate the world and create a regenerative business ecosystem. This approach allows me to serve clients with transformative offers, helping them understand who they really are, beyond who the world tells them they should be. They now know how to differentiate themselves in the marketplace, show up with confidence, and build a business that fits them like a glove. I am thrilled to live out my purpose of helping others do the same and I owe much of my trajectory to the insights and community that Jamie’s HD Wild program provides. - Lisa McGuire - 3/5 Generator

My first year in HD Wild brought me back to myself and gave me a new foundation to stand on — both internal and external. It deepened my knowledge in human design like nothing else.

My first year in HD Wild brought me back to myself and gave me a new foundation to stand on — both internal and external. It deepened my knowledge in human design like nothing else.

There is a rigor and pacing to the program that allows you to plunge all the way in, to recognize what you know, what you don’t, where you still need to grow, and where you can deepen into your understanding and inquiry of the system.

Jamie is there to go into those depths with you, both as a sounding board for your own design and business, and as someone deep in their own practice and contemplation of the science and system of design itself.

For my own internal work and reclamation, there were things I was wrestling with and understanding about my own life and journey that human design and Jamie both provided for me to recognize and realize and heal and reclaim with the work we did together and through this program.

There is always more levels to go, but doing a concentrated program allows you to understand yourself, your design, and the system of design itself like no other.

I highly recommend Jamie for anyone who is looking for a refreshed rigorous supportive path, inquiry, and approach to design and to learning the system — and themselves. - Lea Artis 3/6 Generator

It’s a magic program that will help you embody your authenticity. And not only that but the level of support Jamie gives is so generous.

HD Wild was a complete sacral yes and it was the best decision. Jamie is the absolute real deal. Her wisdom and knowledge runs so deep and she really knows how to support you to embody your design.

HD wild is a one of a kind program and I’m so grateful I said yes, it had helped me get to know myself on a level beyond what I ever imagined was possible, it’s like looking into my soul.

It’s a magic program that will help you embody your authenticity. And not only that but the level of support Jamie gives is so generous. I feel so backed up by her. She’s incredibly thoughtful and caring which adds another layer of depth to HD Wild.

If you want to embody and shine in your human design and feel highly competent in supporting others with it too, then this is the program for you.

~ Mala Kennedy

Jamie is a teacher and a guide. She shares her knowledge and herself with her students. She is not the "online expert" that is giving you the one-size-fits-all plan to solve all of your problems.

Diving deeper into Human Design with Jamie is one of the best decisions I have made in my 2+ year journey into freelance work and personal development. My original purpose in joining HD in the Wild was to continue to learn about and leverage human design on a personal level, with a bonus of, hopefully, building a successful business that works for me. And I am definitely meeting and exceeding that goal! I am also seeing more and more that I can not only use what I am learning personally, but I can add Human Design as a feature of my business.

Jamie is a teacher and a guide. She shares her knowledge and herself with her students. She is not the "online expert" that is giving you the one-size-fits-all plan to solve all of your problems. Rather, she is the teacher, sharing her expertise and experience to guide you to your own path and giving you the tools and the support to build the business and life that you want. 0 Mary de la Fe 2/5 Generator

Human Design-wise Jamie achieves the balancing act between founding her teachings on the original sources from Ra Uru Hu but also editing it in a way that it's very understandable.

I can't recommend this program highly enough! First the title could sound a little bit misunderstanding. Absolutely nothing in this program is going "wild". On the contrary everything is organized and structured in a highly professional and digestible form. You always have the overview where you are in the process.

You get weekly reminders and Facebook-Post about upcoming sessions, so that you don't miss a single one. Jamie is available in a group-Voxer-channel for general questions and once a week via her private Voxer-account if you have any individual question. She really cares about her people in a way that I've rarely seen before.

Jamie presents the Human Design in a very unique way. She not only gives you the information but takes care that you understand them - and she helps you to embody them (with the support of the fabilous Helen Henley). She teaches the Human Design wisdom in a very down to earth way with many practical examples of your everyday life.

I especially like the "self-talk" of the types, profiles and gates. That helps me connect the topics even better to me and people I live and work with. That's what is missing in most of the HD-programs. And I know that because I've taken several of them.

For me who prefers to read information it's great that Jamie provides very extensive lesson-texts and transcripts of all live-calls. So I can hear and read everything and don't have to take notes. That's an extra-mile in service that I really appreciate.

Human Design-wise Jamie achieves the balancing act between founding her teachings on the original sources from Ra Uru Hu but also editing it in a way that it's very understandable.

Finally Jamie weaves in her long experience as a business consultant and service provider in the HD-content. This alone is priceless!

In summary, this is a a pearl among all the Human Design programs out there. Grab it as long as you can :-)

~ Arndt Aschenbeck 4/6 Manifesting Generator

video proof

Add some video testimonials if you have them. They are really powerful.

HD Wild is Capped at 25 Students

HD Wild is THE program to learn human design in a simply & comprehensive way. Each cohort is limited to 25 Students

The Human Design in Action Certificate Program

Start a revolution in your industry by leveraging Human Design

with your existing expertise to create a blue ocean.

What's included in HD Wild -

Human Design Training Program

Human Design Curriculum

Human Design Textbook

HD Evolve

Gate Living Library

Weekly Live Q & A Calls

Support Community

HD Somatics

Weekly Biz Support

HD Snapshot Private Podcast

HD Wild 1 Year Human Design Training Program

1 Payment of $8888

12 Payments of $834

18 Payments of $575

Now available in an 18 Payment Plan

Students Enrolled

Cohort 5 Now Enrolling

you asked

Let's dive into some of the questions that might be coming up for you...

Is this program for me if I want to become a Human Design Reader?

YES, absolutely! If you would like to learn how to become a human design reader this program will absolutely give you the depth of knowledge to become one. We are going to spend a year going into the nuances and depths of human design including, type, profile, circuits, centers, channels, environment, authority, variable, team and relationship readings.

Do I need to have an existing BUsiness to take this program?.

You do not need to have an existing business in order to benefit from his program. If you are wanting to dig deeper into human design, this is THE certificate program. This program will help you build a foundation around a human design business. We have weekly voxer office hours where you can get support with your emerging business and a weekly Q & A where you can ask me any questions that might be present for you.

How DOes this Certificate Program WOrk?.

There will be four milestones during the HD Wild Journey which will evaluating aptitude. The milestones will be tailored by type (or you can choose) which you'd like to submit. At the end of the program you will be awarded a HD Wild Certified Coach as long as the milestones have been met. This will give you certification for one year.

Once you are certified you will be listed in the online directory and if you would like to be part of the Ecocentric Human Design Directory you can. The intent of the directory is to connect potential clients with businesses who are certified in human design.

Do I need to have a basic understanding of Human Design to Join this Program? .

You do not need to know anything about human design in order to join this program. While it may be helpful to have a basic understanding it is not necessary. Throughout this program we will teach both the fundamentals and the depths of human design.

We will teach both how to support yourself with human design and how to better support your clients. We will use the lens of human design to discern ways to coalesce it in your own business.

Many students who enroll in HD Wild have or are practicing human design in some form and want to elevate their HD knowledge, depth and nuance in a way that is practical and applicable with clients.

Are You Ready To Step Into The Wild World Of Human Design...

Now is the time to embark on the journey of a change your business, to catapult your life forward and change the trajectory of your client's lives with human design.

The Human Design in Action Certificate Program

Start a revolution in your industry by leveraging Human Design

with your existing expertise to create a blue ocean.

What's included in HD Wild -

Human Design Training Program

Human Design Curriculum

Human Design Textbook

HD Evolve

Gate Living Library

Weekly Live Q & A Calls

Support Community

HD Somatics

Weekly Biz Support

HD Snapshot Private Podcast

HD Wild 1 Year Human Design Training Program

1 Payment of $8888

12 Payments of $834

18 Payments of $575

Now available in an 18 Payment Plan

Students Enrolled

Cohort 5 Now Enrolling